

Ⅰ. 根据中英文提示完成句子:

  **1. 面带微笑地与别人说话会使交谈更容易。

  the others on your face can the communication .

  **2. 我们应该友善、尊敬、微笑地与别人相处。

  We should the others with .

  **3. 当你与别人交谈时,应该抬起头并且看着他的眼睛。

  When you talk with the others you should and .

  **4. 我们要学会做一个健谈者及一个好的倾听者。

  We should learn a good talker a good listener.

  *5. 不要假装听不到我的话。

  Don’t to me.

  6. 因为害怕考试,他假装生病了。

  Because of the exam. He ill.

  **7. 开始的时候做这些似乎有点难。

  It these at first.

  8. 她以前怕蛇。

  She a snake.

Ⅱ. 单项选择:

  1. My sister wants ________ 

  A. to be teacher   B. to be a teacher  C. be a teacher   D. be an teacher

  *2. How sweet and pleasant ______ the music!

  A. listen   B. to listen     C. to listen to   D. listened

  **3. I could hear the young girl _____ in her room.

  A. sang   B. sing     C. to sing   D. sung

  *4. My grandma didn’t go to sleep I got back home.

  A. where     B. until     C. as soon as   D. while

  **5. —I have got a bad cold. I feel terrible. 


  A. All right.     B. Is that so?   C. Sorry to hear that. D. I’m afraid so.

  **6. I him to go there with me.

  A. wish     B. hope     C. think     D. let

  *7. —Now the air in our hometown is even than it was before.

  —So we must do something to stop it.

  A. better     B. dirty     C. more better   D. worse

  *8. He less time reading stories about film stars than before.

  A. takes     B. spends     C. costs     D. pays
